5 Natural Ways to Improve Your Hearing Fast & Without Any Side Effects

6 min readJan 25, 2021

Improving your hearing is not going to be a walk in the park. It takes a fair amount of time, difficult decisions and the right kind of guidance to see significant results. Nevertheless, it is a possible feat achieved by many.

Before we start, you must first accept and admit the problem without condition. Most people don’t want to recognize their problem and don’t seek help for it, leading to worsening their complications. There’s no sense to deny or disclaim the problem; it is part of you, you need to accept it and move past it. Take a deep breath and think about it.

Now that you are ready, here are 5 easy ways to improve your hearing.

Train the brain 🧠

We hear with our brain. Sound waves enter the ears and send signals to the brain which are then interpreted. Fidelity Hearing Center studies have shown that hearing can be improved simply by doing brain exercises every day.

  • Exercise #1:

Sit and close your eyes. Try to listen to the sounds around you. What do you hear? What are those things? A dog? Your cat? The neighbor?

Write down everything you hear.

Then, try to pinpoint where those sounds are coming from. How far are they?

Practice this at least 5 times a week to become attuned to surrounding sounds.

  • Exercise #2

Play an audiobook or have someone read to you. After each sentence, try to repeat what you heard. Once you can consistently repeat sentences word-for-word, practice in front of the TV or in a crowded place.

  • Other super-efficient activities:
  1. Learning to play a musical instrument
  2. Solving puzzles such as Rubik’s cube, Sudoku, crossword, or jigsaw puzzles
  3. Solving arithmetic problems from a grader’s textbook without using a calculator
  4. Learning a new hobby that has repetition and has something to do with your fingers such as knitting or crocheting
Studies show solving puzzles can improve hearing up to 25% within 2 months.
Studies show solving puzzles can improve hearing up to 25% within 2 months. Image used under license from Shutterstock.com

Eat these foods 🍳

Research has shown that most hearing loss sufferers also suffer from a nutritional deficiency. Here are some foods that may help:

  • Foods rich in Vitamin D help strengthen the little bones in our ears. Cod liver oil, fish oil, salmon, mackerel, tuna fish, liver, and egg yolks are all rich in vitamin D.
  • Dairy products, eggs, lean beef, shellfish, and all foods containing Vitamin B12 provide great tinnitus protection
  • Foods rich in Folic Acid directly affect hearing by boosting blood circulation in the inner structures of the ear. Great sources are: beef liver, spinach, asparagus, green peas, broccoli, avocado, lettuce, peanuts, tomato juice, whole eggs
  • Finally, Manganese rich foods help strengthen the connective tissue, bones, and improve neural connections. To top it all, these superfoods also reduce the risk of tinnitus. Apples and avocados are a great source of Manganese, but not the only one: apricots, beans, pineapples, berries, raisins, celery, egg yolks, legumes, and pine nuts are also rich in this powerful antioxidant.

These foods make a big difference in improving our hearing, especially fish oil. But, Daily consumption of fish oil leads to astonishing results….

Fish oil is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids, specifically DHA and EPA essential fatty acids, play a major role in healthy ear function.

Researchers from the University of Sydney discovered that taking a daily Omega-3 fish oil supplement reduces the risk of hearing loss by at least 50% in adults above 50. The study has been recognized and published in the reputable American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Daily fish oil intake improves blood circulation in the inner ear, having a positive effect on hearing.
🐟👂 Daily fish oil intake improves blood circulation in the inner ear, having a positive effect on hearing. Image used under license from Shutterstock.com

Take a walk 🚶

Exercise is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your overall health.

Hearing health professionals state that exercise increases blood flow in the ears, aiding the inner layers responsible for translating sounds. They advise of at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise daily such as walking.

Hate walking?

  • Hiking is an excellent way to exercise while enjoying the outdoors. It’s a blissful experience regardless of the severity of your hearing loss. Furthermore, concentrating on the insects buzzing or the song of the birds has been proven to improve sensory hearing and focus.
  • Gardening is the hobby of choice for many seniors… and for a reason! It’s an excellent way to connect with nature and enjoy your surroundings. Tending to a garden is a relaxing, quiet hobby for anyone experiencing hearing loss.
  • Golfing is an excellent activity to improve hearing focus. Pay close attention to the sound made when the club head comes into contact with the ball. With time, you will see an improvement in hearing focus and most importantly… it will allow you to control your shots better!
Daily exercise improves blood circulation in the inner ear, having a positive effect on hearing.
Daily exercise improves blood circulation in the inner ear, having a positive effect on hearing. Image used under license from Shutterstock.com

Skip the smokes 🚭

Nicotine and carbon monoxide hamper blood flow and oxygen, thus irritating the lining of the middle ear.

The Journal of the American Medical Association in a study including more than 3,000 people discovered that smokers are nearly 70% more likely than non-smokers to suffer from hearing loss.

Quitting smoking is hard and stressful, but it’s a mandatory step if you want to support your hearing loss.

  • Nicotine replacement therapy such as nicotine patches or sprays are a proven way to protect yourself from cigarette smoke.
  • Physical activity helps distract you from tobacco cravings… and it increases blood flow in your ears thus improving your hearing (check the physical exercises mentioned above),
  • Finally, relaxation techniques such as deep-breathing exercises, yoga, massage, or listening to calm music will keep you calm and help you resist the urge for tobacco

Temporary Hearing Boost 🎧

Here’s an exercise to use before important conversations or before watching your favorite TV show.

Wear earplugs for a couple of hours before the important event… that’s it!

How does it work? A couple of ways.

First, it cuts your ears from sound completely, making them more sensitive to sound when you take the earplugs out again. Everything will sound clear compared to before using the earplugs.

Second, it has a positive effect on the muscles in the area. Hearing loss is often caused by poor blood flow, making the muscles in the ear weaker and unable to hold the best form for hearing. Earplugs open up the area for better hearing once they are removed. If your ears have felt blocked for a while, this will, paradoxically, make them feel less blocked.

Get an Expert Opinion 👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️

When was the last time you went to the audiologist or got fitted for hearing aids? Have you ever been to the audiologist?

We don’t blame you if you haven’t visited the doctor for a long time. In fact, most older adults have never visited the audiologist or got fitted for hearing aids. The World Health Organization discovered that only 17% of those who could benefit from use of a hearing aid actually use one.

Hearing loss has a very gradual onset that you usually notice only after 3 to 5 years. So, do a hearing test every 6 months to discover and track the problem before it becomes more serious.

Take actions to improve your hearing before the problem becomes more serious​.
Take actions to improve your hearing before the problem becomes more serious​. Image used under license from Shutterstock.com




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